Inteliquet on the Oncology Learning Network Podcast: Highlighting Inteliquet’s Determined Efforts Through the COVID-19 Landscape
Marie E. Lamont, General Manager at Inteliquet™, joins the Oncology Learning Network Podcast to talk about “Inteliquet’s Determined Efforts Through the COVID-19 Landscape.” On this episode, Marie discusses the COVID-19 landscape and how it stalled, delayed, or canceled as many as 60% of the clinical trials for cancer drugs and biological therapies in the United States.
Marie goes on to share the implications of stalling or canceling these clinical trials for new drugs and therapies and how they suggest a spike for postponed cancer screenings, resulting in delayed diagnoses. Postponing these therapies and trials also means that the progress of these novel therapeutics is being brought to a halt—which is hugely detrimental to cancer patients’ quality of life.
Marie also shares her worries of what delayed diagnoses and treatments mean as an organizational leader, a global citizen, but most importantly, as a parent and family member. Pushing patients further down in the cycle means diagnoses may not be brought to light until stage 4. What does the future of cancer screening and treatment look like? To Marie and the Inteliquet™ team, it looks like solutions requiring fewer clicks that deliver more value and enable providers to spend more time with their patients and catch cancer earlier.
Inteliquet’s Patient Matching software aims to do exactly that. It reduces the administrative burdens of cancer research, amplifying care options rather than conflicting with them. We work to bolster the sustainability of cancer research centers—not weigh on their financial strength.
Listen to the full podcast now to learn more about how clinical trials and the cancer centers that facilitate treatment can use insights and data to improve patient experiences.